My Story


For people who haven’t been adopted, they may find it hard to understand the void of NOT knowing where their biological make up is from. This void had plagued me my entire life and was reflective throughout the constant changes in my personality growing up. I felt as if I was always in search for "myself".

Fast forward to February 2018 when all of my life long questions were answered.
I was re-united with my birth mother in Bogota, Colombia. I cannot put into words the emotion that I felt throughout this journey. This journey of reuniting filled the void of searching for “myself.”

You may be asking yourself how does this translate into my career or the food I cook? Since the inception of my career I've always wanted to arm myself with the knowledge of cuisines from around the world. I would get bored easily after mastering one style and would just move onto the next. It was much like my personality when I was an adolescent, always changing trying to find that "one thing" to define me.

I took it upon myself to do pro-bono work at ethnic restaurants. This opened the door for me to continuously practice recipes from different cultures and traveling the world to gain hands on experience. This is why there is not one style or dish I am known for. I am complex and diversified with my cooking. The plethora of experiences that I have been through are all put together in one unified recipe.

All of this is the reason why at Sabor de Arte we are not limited in what we offer or what we can do for you! 
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